Thursday, July 20, 2006

Linktopia, SuperFly Girl Edition

She's the coolest cat, she shizzles my fizzizle, and she makes a mean minestrone soup. She's Therese Walsh, and she's super fly. She's held the fort down on WU while I've cavorted on the beaches and drank way too much.

Super Fly Girl deserves a break and she's going to take hers next week. I hope I can fill in for her as well as she's filled in for me, but somehow I doubt it. I'll do my pathetic best, however.

So get ready, yo, for Linky Goodness TM

This has nothing to do with writing, but the new season of Project Runway started last week. Thank god Bravo cycles episodes every other day. Unfortunately, the wankers over at the Washington Post revealed the winner of the episode prior to the airing. Shame! For those writers looking for character inspiration, hssst. This show is loaded with them. I'm especially taken with Vincent. What mind produces a chain-draped lampshade for a hat and calls it 'inspired' fashion or doesn't let his team partner help him and then berates her for leaving him alone? I can't wait to find out.

There. Don't you miss Therese already?

On a more serious note, please pray, burn incense, or whatever you do to call upon your ghods for the safety of fellow blogger Melly, who is in Israel right now enduring a horrific situation. Melly, if you get a chance to read this, you and everyone in the region regardless of nationality or political persuasion, are in our thoughts and prayers.

In case you missed Part One and Two of our two part post speculating who will die next in the final Harry Potter tome, others have been reading tea leaves and laying odds . . . . Another superfly friend of mine sent me the link to this fun blog: Top Ten Worst URL FLops . . . . . Crawford Kilian has some advice for folks who like to use parenthesis (though some of my favorite authors use them to good effect) . . . . Hal shares another hilarious and demented ramble at Geek Show. Don't miss Part Two of our interview with him starting tomorrow, it's milk-snorting funny . . . . and if you haven't laughed enough, the Bitches muse over fad for dead rabbits on the upper lips of 1970's cover models . . . . more reality checks from Writer Beware . . . . Ray's been in correspondence with La Snark and they pass along good advice for those ready to query . . . .

More after the jump.

Natalie at Murder She Writes blogs about the tendency to tinker so much, the writer never gets to the delicious words THE END . . . . Eric has a good post about cutting out the padding we novelist love to wallow in . . . . Mickey Spillane is gone . . . . the July forecast is in for Astrology for Writers. Another auspicious month for my sign, but alas, I've yet to see any predictions materialize. No matter, I'll keep checking it . . . .

OK, I'm exhausted now. I need to recondition my blogging muscles again.

Write on.


Blogger Therese Walsh said...

Since I'm Super Fly Girl, I guess that means I have nerves of steel? I'm going to need them, according to the Astrology for Writers folks, and they're apparently going to get further development. Sigh. Sucks to be a Virgo.

Great to have you back, Kath!

10:12 AM  
Blogger Kathleen Bolton said...

Great to be back. FYI, Cancer is supposed to be having this stellar year of money and contracts coming our way. So the track record for these predictions hasn't been good.

Maybe I should start casting runestones or the I Ching.

2:10 PM  
Blogger Kathleen Bolton said...

Welcome, Sarah!

6:07 AM  
Blogger Melly said...

Oh, Kathleen, I do join your wellwishes to "everyone in the region regardless of nationality or political persuasion." I so wholeheartedly do.

7:38 PM  

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